The following protocols are available globally.
This protocol represents physics solving systems that calculate the positions of values over time, and is used in
See morePhysicsMotion
to update property values.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol PhysicsSolving
This protocol declares methods and properties that must be adopted by custom
See moreMoveable
classes who participate in additive animations with other MotionMachine classes.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol Additive<TargetType> : PropertyCollection, Equatable, Identifiable
This delegate protocol defines a status update method in order for
See moreMoveable
objects to communicate with one another. MotionMachine collection classes use this protocol method to keep track of child motion status changes. Any customMoveable
classes must sendMoveableStatus
status updates using this protocol.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol MotionUpdateDelegate : AnyObject
This protocol declares methods and properties that must be adopted by custom motion classes in order to participate in the MotionMachine ecosystem. All standard MotionMachine motion classes conform to this protocol.
See moreDeclaration
@MainActor public protocol Moveable : AnyObject
This protocol declares methods and properties that must be adopted by custom classes which control other
See moreMoveable
classes in order to participate in the MotionMachine ecosystem. All standard MotionMachine collection classes (MotionSequence
) conform to this protocol.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol MoveableCollection
This protocol represents an object that holds a collection of
See morePropertyData
objects, such as aMotion
@MainActor public protocol PropertyCollection<TargetType> : AnyObject
Provides delegate updates when property values change.
See moreDeclaration
@MainActor public protocol PropertyDataDelegate : AnyObject
This protocol defines methods that are called on delegate objects which listen for update beats from a
See moreTempoProviding
@MainActor public protocol TempoDelegate : AnyObject
This protocol represents objects that subscribe to a
object’s update beats. Every movement of a value occurs because time has changed. These beats drive the motion, sending timestamps by which delta values can be calculated. All standard MotionMachine motion classes conform to this protocol.Important
While you aren’t required to implement this protocol in order to update your own customMoveable
classes, it is the preferred way to interact with the MotionMachine ecosystem unless your requirements prevent usingTempoProviding
objects for updating your value interpolations.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol TempoDriven : TempoDelegate
This protocol represents an object that sends a tempo of updates to motion objects.
See moreMoveable
classes use these beats to calculate new motion interpolation values. Objects that conform to this protocol should use theTempoDelegate
‘s methodtempoBeatUpdate
to send incremental timestamps as necessary.Declaration
@MainActor public protocol TempoProviding
This protocol defines methods and properties that must be adopted for any value assistant.
See moreDeclaration
@MainActor public protocol ValueAssistant<TargetType>