
public protocol Destinationable<PresentationConfiguration> : AnyObject, Identifiable

This protocol represents a Destination in the Destinations ecosystem.

A Destination represents a unique area in an app which can be navigated to by the user. In SwiftUI this is typically a fullscreen View object, and in UIKit it’s a UIViewController class or subclass, but it can also be a group of Destinations like a TabBar or a carousel. Destinations hold references to the UI element they’re associated with, but they don’t handle the particulars of laying out elements on the screen. Instead, the role of Destination objects in the ecosystem is to send and receive messages and datasource requests on behalf of their UI, such as passing on a message to trigger an action when a user taps a button.

In most cases you should be able to use the provided ViewDestination or ControllerDestination classes for SwiftUI or UIKit apps respectively. They are customized to a particular Destination through generic arguments. To handle presentation requests that require specialized configuration or need to handle content models, you can create custom assistants which conform to the InterfaceActionConfiguring protocol. To handle requests to an interactor, you can create assistants which conform to the InteractorAssisting protocol. There are more specific classes to support interfaces like TabBars, but you can also use your own Destination classes by conforming to ViewDestinationable or ControllerDestinationable if you should need custom functionality or just want to avoid using generics.

There is a two-way connection between a Destination and its interface which is handled by a DestinationStateable-conforming object. Destinations comes with a DestinationInterfaceState object which can be used for this purpose, though you can create your own class if you’d like to store other state in it. When a Destination is removed from the ecosystem, cleanup is done internally to ensure no retain cycles occur.